Banking & Finance

  • Representing clients which may be bank, financier, credit institution, guarantor, guarantee or borrower, etc. in different types of local and cross-border banking and finance transactions such as bank lending, asset finance, project finance, debt restructure, refinancing, escrow, finance lease, etc.

  • Drafting, reviewing and/or negotiating all contractual instruments of the banking/finance transaction.

  • Advising all legal perspectives of a banking/finance transaction such as tax issues, foreign exchange control, procedural requirements, governing laws, dispute resolution, etc. and providing practical recommendations/suggestions for resolving any obstacle of the transaction.

  • Providing advice and issuing legal opinion in terms of Vietnamese laws in relation to the transaction.



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Address: 43 Hoang Hoa Tham St., Ward 6, Binh Thanh Dist., HCMC, Vietnam

Tel: +8428 6673 3096

Hotline+84973 98 99 88 

Website: http://www.luatsuphungviet.comhttp://www.luatsuphungviet.comhttp://www.luatsu.eu

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Representing clients which may be bank, financier, credit institution, guarantor, guarantee or